나를 알리는 자기소개 책 만들기입니다.
미니 북으로 펼치면 다양한 나를 소개할 수 있습니다~
준비물 : 도안 출력(흑백 또는 컬러), 풀, 가위, 필기도구,
색칠 도구(비침이 덜한 색연필 등 여러 가지 종류)
It's making a self-introduction book that informs you of yourself.
If you open it with a mini book, you can introduce yourself in various ways.
It is an interseting and interesting book that introduces yourself through questions and
answers while opening the book, drawing faces on the front and back of the page,
and folding the book becomes a small mini book.
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